Decades before many physiologists were concerned with the close relationship between diet and health, E.G. White, clearly pointed out the connection between the food we eat and our physical and spiritual welfare.<\/p>\n
The statements comprising this volume were penned at a time when general ignorance prevailed in dietetic lives and when dietary reform was unpopular. It has been gratifying to witness through the onward march of scientific study, a full substantiation of great principles and often even minute points of instruction given to us as a people, conformed, validated and considered well balanced.<\/p>\n
Ellen White, with a pen dipped in the wisdom and knowledge of the Designer of the human form and the Author of nature’s laws, called for a dietary program that was simple, healthful, nutritious, and appetizing. To this end she spoke for fifty years, writing her views in articles, books, and personal correspondence. Nutritionists today are aware of people’s resistance to changes in their diet. Yet Ellen White succeeded in influencing the dietary practices of hundreds of thousands who today profitably follow these counsels, now well supported by scientific research. Counsels on Diet and Foods<\/em><\/strong> includes such topics as:<\/p>\n
Ellen White, with a pen dipped in the wisdom and knowledge of the Designer of the human form and the Author of nature’s laws, called for a dietary program that was simple, healthful, nutritious, and appetizing. To this end she spoke for fifty years, writing her views in articles, books, and personal correspondence. Nutritionists today are aware of people’s resistance to changes in their diet. Yet Ellen White succeeded in influencing the dietary practices of hundreds of thousands who today profitably follow these counsels, now well supported by scientific research. Counsels on Diet and Foods<\/em> includes such topics as:<\/strong><\/p>\n