
  • Sheep
    All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. ~ Isaiah 53:6

Latest Book Release

Pillars Of Our Faith is our latest book release in 2025. This book gives you verse by verse Biblical evidence for each of the pillars of our faith. Click here for more information or to order.

Bundles And Specials

Introductory Offers

Modesty Power Pack #1

Total $13.00 (not $15) plus Media Rate Shipping!

Modesty Power Pack #2

Total $20.00 (not $30.00) plus Media Rate Shipping!

Garments sewn for women and girls, that follow Biblical and Spirit of Prophecy counsel: modest, feminine, simple, and healthful. Durable fabric, solid or small print, plain colors.

Simple skirt with or without elastic at waist
Simple jumper
Simple jacket
Simple vest

Contact email: sanctifiedcloset@gmail.com

Health and Medical Missionary Power Pack

Total $15.00 (not $28.00) plus Media Rate Shipping!

4 New Books Special

Total $25.00 plus Media Rate Shipping!

You can also order 24 in a case of some titles:

One Case: 40% Off

Newcomers Special (for a limited time)

Total $45.00 (not $50.00) plus Media Rate Shipping!

About Us

A commitment to publish unpopular truths

โ€œGod…uses the gospel ministry, medical missionary work, and the publications containing present truth to impress hearts. The gospel ministry, medical missionary work, and our publications are God’s agencies. One is not to supersede the other. โ€“ Evangelism, 547.


The most important book to read on this website... and it's FREE!

"Why Jesus Waits" by Herbert E Douglas Jr, Th.D. (1927-2014); Theologian, Scholar, Administrator, Editor for Review & Herald Publishing, Author of over 26 books, Prayer Line speaker, friend, etc...

26 Years of Publishing Truth-filled Books

“Different periods in the history of the church have each been marked by the development of some special truth,* adapted to the necessities of God’s people at that time. Every new truth* has made its way against hatred and opposition; those who were blessed with its light were tempted and tried. The Lord gives a special truth* for the people in an emergency.ย Who dare refuse to publish it?* They cannot remain silent, except at the peril of their own souls. Christ’s ambassadors have nothing to do with consequences. They must perform their duty and leave the results with God.” LDE 609, 610

We are in an emergency! The world has overtaken the church and we are in need of a true revival and a true reformation.ย Hence, by Godโ€™s direction, Homeward Publishing Ministries. We did not search for this responsibility of writing and publishing books โ€“ The Lord gave us a very wide and open door, instructed and provided for us all along the way. As Rick and I were both deep thinkers and searchers of truth, our research and study sometimes lead us to stand singly against the tide of popular opinion. The publishing company seemed a natural adjunct to our other ministries, not only for our books, but, many others who would not be considered by large publishing houses. With us it has always been 100% for the Lord and His workโ€ฆ.

*emphasis applied

"The Work"

The Gospel Medical Missionary Work: The Final Work for God's Last Generation

The following are examples of the many facets of the medical missionary work, the entering wedge, the right hand and the door of the gospel. By meeting every person at the point of their need, physically, mentally and spiritually, we open the heart for the reception of God’s infinite love and salvationโ€”the Three Angels’ Messages. “God calls for thousands to work for Him”… As you prayerfully consider the following listed information, may God place upon your heart the specific area where you can put your time, talents and hands to work for Him.

“We have come to a time when every member of the church should take hold of the medical missionary work.” 7T 62
“I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical missionary work.” CH 533

City Missions:
-Restaurant, Cafe
-Juice & Smoothie Bar
-Breakfast Bar
-Bakery, Vegan Pizza Shop
-Soup & Salad Bar

Classes & Training in:
-Sustainable Preparedness
-Canning, Bread Making
-Food Dehydration
-Vegetarian Cooking & Nutrition Classes

-Health Food Stores
-Fresh & Raw Food Classes
-Better Living Centers
-Natural Remedies Classes
-Start Now! (8 Laws of Health Seminars)

-Lifestyle Centers
-Retreats, Youth Camps
-Conduct "Spaahยฎ" Days
(Sustain Prevention and Advanced Healing)
-Massage & Hydrotherapy

-Christian "Spaahsยฎ" (ie. Treatment Rooms)
-MM Training Schools
-Health Food Manufacturing
-Gardening, Farming
-Orchard Work & Training

-Country Living
-Off Grid & Preparedness Expos
-Dorcus Work: Clothes Give-Away, Thrift Shops, Yard Sales, Garage Sales, etc...

-Neighborhood Medical & Dental Clinics
-Mobile Medical & Dental Clinics
-Mobile Blood Pressure Vans
-Mobile Food Trucks

-Visiting the Sick & Helping
-Ministry for Drug & Alcohol Addiction
-Home-Health Aides
-Employment for the Poor, Homeless & Unemployed

Lectures & Training in Simple Treatments:
-Charcoal, Castor Oil, Herbs, Veggies, Clay, Water
-Teach Health Principles
-Healthful & Modest Dress
-Christian Temperance & Bible Hygiene

-Counseling Those Suffering Mentally, Physically & Spiritually ie. Orphans, Abused Women, Affluent & Rich Classes
-Stop Smoking Clinics
-Soap Making Classes

-Nursery Schools & Daycare
-Nanny & Elderly Care
-Vacation Bible Schools
-Retirement & Nursing Homes
-Prison Ministries
-Colporteur Ministry

-Ministry to the Blind, Handicapped & Deaf with Sign Language Training
-Comforting Widows, the Mentally Challenged with Instruction in Healthful Living & Bible Studies

-The Publishing Work
Practical Instruction for Women:
-Child Health & Care, Housekeeping, Sewing, Healthy Cooking & Shopping
-MM Nursing & Nurses Aides
-Food Storage & Preservation

Practical Instruction for Men:
-Carpentry, Welding, Wood Chopping, & Splitting, Wood Burning Stove Care & Maintenance, Construction, Solar Power, Hydroelectricity, Root Cellar, Construction

-Foreign or Local Missionaries to All Cultures
-First Aid & Medical Emergencies Seminars
-Survival Classes/Foraging & Wild Edible Plants
-Water Purification

-Bible Reading in the Home/Bible Studies
-Prophecy Seminars
-Evangelistic Crusades
-Various Campmeetings for the Young & Old
-House-to-House & Personal Labor

Be Smart..."START NOW!"

Our Acronym and God's Prescription for Health

Thousands who are afflicted might recover their health if, instead of depending upon the drug store for their life, they would discard all drugs, and live simply, without using tea, coffee, liquor or spices, which irritate the stomach and leave it weak, unable to digest even simple food without stimulation.” MS 115, 1903

“There are simple herbs that can be used for the recovery of the sick, whose effect upon the system is very different from that of those drugs that poison the blood and endanger life.” MS 73, 1908

To educate the human family that the doctor alone knows all the ills … is false teaching, and the sooner we as a people stand on the principles of health reform, the greater will be the blessings to those who would do true medical missionary work.” The Place of Herbs in Rational Therapy – EGW p. 31

“By His own working agencies He has created material which will restore the sick to health. If men would use aright the wisdom God has given them, this would be a place resembling heaven.” MS 63, 1899

Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise,
proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power
โ€” these are the true remedies.
MH 127

Escape to the country...

Learn and experience:

  • How to search for properties in the Northwest USA or the rest of the USA!
  • What you need to know before you see a realtor
  • Legal considerations when buying properties
  • Pitfalls & problems when buying country properties
  • Homestead and gardening skills
  • Stay in a country Bed & Breakfast or missionary home
  • Attend various churches, events and seminar sessions
  • Volunteer and work with various home ministries
  • Tour God’s beautiful countryside & meet other faithful medical missionaries and more…

“The angels of mercy hurried Lot and his wife and daughters by taking hold of their hands. Had Lot hastened as the Lord desired him to, his wife would not have become a pillar of salt. Lot had too much of a lingering spirit. Let us not be like him… Those who obey this warning will find a refuge. Let every man be wide awake for himself and try to save his family. Let him gird himself for the work. God will reveal from point to point what to do next.”
Review and Herald, Dec. 11, 1900

“We're Almost Home!”

by Rick & Gwen Shorter

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