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Sabbath Only Event >
A Revival and Reformation Sabbath • Startling Last Day Messages • Are You Ready for Jesus to Come?
- 11am Sabbath Service – My Story: From Show Business to God’s Business
- 2:30pm – Final Call for Medical Missionaries and City Missions Worldwide!
- 3:30pm – Biblical Womanhood: Feminism vs. Femininity
- 4:30pm – Standing on a Sure Foundation (Do you know the Pillars of Our Faith?): Preparation for the Crisis!
- After Sabbath: Book Sale! Health and Medical Missionary Supplies and more!
Sunday Only Event >
Preparation for Hard Times: A Medical Missionary Event – Cooking, Nutrition and Natural Remedies – 1pm to 3pm
- How to Grow Sprouts, Microgreens and Wheatgrass
- Delicious and Nutritious, Fresh and Raw Dishes
- Simple and Satisfying, Inexpensive and Easy Cooked Dishes
- Natural Remedies; including Hydrotherapy, Poultices and Packs
- Natural Pain Management
- Book Sale: Health and Medical Missionary Supplies and more!
Weekend Event >
Combines the Sabbath and Sunday Event
(Used by permission. Taken from her book “Jewelry, Ornaments, Personal Decoration and More… – the Spiritualism Connection.“)
The streets of New York City with its hustle, bustle, bright lights and millions of people was the place to be. “How exciting!” I would think to myself as I hurried from one appointment to another, swinging my portfolio. “You can look, but don’t touch!” That was my motto. As a model in the fashion capital of the world, dressing up or down was highly competitive.
In those days I wore micro mini-skirts, pants and form-fitting sweaters, low-cuts, shorts, and anything else I wanted. I knew the power of a fashionable and well-dressed woman, and I wanted to use that power to help me climb the show-business ladder.
Models set the standard for what most women call “beauty.” On TV, in magazines, newspapers, shows, etc., they are used to set the styles. Anyone can put clothes on, but models must put it all together to impress, attract, and alarm the senses. They must sell clothes and themselves, and there I was, right in the middle of it all.
And I loved my shoes! Every time I bought a new dress I had to buy a new pair of shoes. My heart would actually speed up with excitement from just looking at a pair of fancy shoes. I just knew they were made for me—just my style! I would deny myself food, if necessary, to buy what I wanted to dress up or down.
My manicure and pedicure was always done to perfection. In order to keep up with my “beauty,” I had jars, bottles, and tubes of all sorts of concoctions. Between facial masques, moisturizers, toners, foundations, eye-shadow, pencil liner and brush, lipstick and lip gloss, body powder and face powder, perfume, polish for nails, polish remover, files, expensive hairdos, false eyelashes, leg shaving paraphernalia, etc., etc., I spent hundreds of dollars just to keep myself “together.”
“Make-up” was an extremely important factor in my “so- called” beauty. I really loved the way make-up made me look. It was supposed to make me feel secure and good about myself. But it made my feeling of insecurity worse. Do you think I would be caught without it? No way! I never even took off my make-up at night. I didn’t want to face the naked truth of what I really looked like without it. I would wash my face in the morning and quickly re-apply “my face.” How pitiful! I wasted so much time and money trying to be beautiful on the outside. The “girly-glamour” magazines had captured and distorted my view of virtuous womanhood, beauty, and femininity.
Dressing up was not complete without my jewelry. Those precious little trinkets and ornaments of gold and silver made any outfit look exquisite. My jewelry box overflowed with all kinds of earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, and rings. To be honest, I worshiped jewelry! I felt naked without it—and besides, it made me look good whether I dressed up or down!
Always in the mirror—checking this and checking that— everything had to be just perfect. My everyday ritual of pampering and primping took about two hours before I was ready to face the public. When I emerged to meet the public eye, I would get those whistles, cat calls and turnaround looks from men. I would appear not to hear or even see them. My motto was, “Look, but don’t touch!”
You know it never once occurred to me that I might be tempting and teasing a man. Once at a dance, a perfect stranger touched me inappropriately. I was so angry! I couldn’t figure out why this man would not just look, but touch!
The first argument I had with my husband, Rick (before we were married), was over the mini skirts and low cuts I wore. I flatly told him, if he didn’t like it, “find someone else.” And I meant it. I had no intention of changing, and he never brought up that subject again. Nobody was changing me! And besides—change to what? I only knew one way— my way of dressing up or down.
Then, I met Jesus. This was like a miracle. Everything I ever wanted in life—love, acceptance, security and peace of mind, I found in Jesus! I did not have to change for Jesus, but His love changed me! I did not know I could have a personal experience with my Savior. I did not know He loved me so much—as if I were the only one in the whole wide world. I did not know Jesus was soon coming back to this earth again.
When I learned this, no one had to tell me, “Take off your make-up, jewelry, and immodest clothes.” When I looked in the mirror after I surrendered my life to Jesus, I didn’t look the same. What I thought was so beautiful looked ugly, phony, pretentious and proud!
No one had to tell me jewelry was inappropriate for the humble follower of Jesus. When I read those Bible texts on jewelry, I began shedding all my little precious idols—from head to toe. What a relief! Nothing between my Savior and me.
No one had to tell me to get rid of my mini-skirts, pants, and low cuts. One day I packed them all up and took them to the local thrift store. Why? Because I knew Jesus would not like them, and I wanted to do everything to please the One who saved me from death and self-destruction. I had to ask the Lord to forgive me, because I knew I had caused many a man to sin in his heart because of the way I dressed.
And no more nakedness for me in the name of water, sun and fun! That “colored underwear” that I used to wear to the beach, all of a sudden became “strange apparel.” No longer could I hide behind the excuse of getting exercise and recreation.
Now I know God made man with a completely different sexual nature from that of a woman. Unconverted man’s sexual nature is so sensitive that it can be ignited into a fire by just the sight of a half-dressed or seductively dressed female. Provocative clothing such as the peek-a-boo dress, the short, slit, or tight skirt, the low-cut blouse, stocking legs, form fitting sweaters, pants or jeans—all distract the minds of most men to unholy thoughts. The indulgent apparel could mean the loss of eternal life to not just one man—but a whole host of them.
Before, I was dressing to bring attention to myself. Now, I only want to hide behind Jesus. Before, I wasted hundreds of dollars and hours of precious probationary time trying to make myself beautiful by the world’s standard. Now, I spend those hours in the study of God’s word and in prayer. I realize now that beauty is a Christ-like character.
Before, I loved dressing up or down—or showing off fine clothes from my already overflowing closet. Before, I kept pace with the ever-changing fashions. Now, I measure my wardrobe by God’s Word. Before, I was insecure; I wouldn’t let anyone see me without my “make-up.” Now, I am plain, placid, and pleased to be a child of the King. Now, I feel secure because I know Jesus loves me just the way I am, and this gives me courage to share this message of truth to all who will listen.
With my burdens lifted and my idols torn down, what peace—sweet peace I enjoy! That was over twenty-five years ago. I still like to dress up—only in Christ’s beautiful robe of righteousness—and down—with everything that displeases Him.
Your friend, Gwen
Gwen Shorter, before Christ; a graduate of Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri, with a degree in Secondary Education, with majors in Speech and Drama and a minor in English; also a scholarship from New York University in NYC to work on her Master’s degree in the Theater Arts Program.
New York brought many opportunities, including a modeling contract, a recording contract, as a result of winning 5 nights in a row at the famed Apollo Theater in Harlem, N.Y., and a job with the TV series, “The Guiding Light.” After one and a half years toward the Master’s program and the release of her first single on the top black radio station in NYC, she found herself very dissatisfied with the show business life.
Gwen had just learned that Jesus would return to this earth. Even though her dad was a Sunday pastor for almost 50 years—this was a new revelation! After only ten days at the end of an evangelistic series in New York City, (Manhattan SDA Church), both Rick and Gwen wanted a change of life. They surrendered their lives and everything to Jesus Christ and were baptized.
Contemplating this thought one day while attending class, she walked out the door of NY University and said to herself, “this is my last day here, I will not return—but what will I do?”
Rick Shorter, before Christ; recording artist, producer/director, song writer, manager of 5 International rock groups and bands, and my manager and producer, abruptly left show business and decided to open a vegan restaurant in New York City, East Village, and Gwen, though a novice to the restaurant business became chief cook and bottle washer! (now called chef) This was the beginning of their medical missionary work and life of service in health and wellness. Shortly thereafter they were married and began their family in the small town of New Paltz, New York.
For over 40 years, their work included:
- “The Beautiful Way” restaurant in NYC
- “The Beautiful Way”restaurant in upstate New Paltz, NY
- Conducted Weeks of Prayers, weekend, and Sabbath meetings at very many of our Academies, Colleges, Universities, Churches, evangelistic efforts and campmeetings, given our conversion story and encouraging Revival and Reformation among our people.
- The “Sister Shorter’s” wholesale health food business, which pioneered the vegan market for packaged healthier foods in NYC and the greater North East USA
- They wrote 5 books together and published many more including Creeping Compromise and Reaping the Whirlwind by Joe Crews, founder of Amazing Facts, through their publishing company, Homeward Publishing Ministries established 1993.
- Gwen taught Health and Nutrition at New Paltz State University and conducted live-in fresh and raw classes.
- Rick wrote and produced 4 musical CD’s.
- Rick and Gwen taught Bible studies, cooking classes, medical missionary classes, natural remedies seminars, and spa days.
- Life Style Center in Orange County, CA.
- Book: Passion of the Ages, (Homeward Publishing and Review and Herald Publishing) as a result of the movie “Passion of the Christ,” produced by Mel Gibson gave away tens of thousands over and over again, in front of theaters in NYC, Expos, and a Pathfinder Camporee in Wisconsin.
- Gwen started and coordinated for 4 ½ years, as the Women’s Ministry Leader, the Prayer Line for Central Filipino SDA Church in Los Angeles, CA. See Links – Central Filipino Women’s Prayer Line Ministry.
On September 1, 2017 her beloved and devoted husband of almost 43 years passed. Though he was not sick, and full of vitality and plans to “help finish the work.” A fatal stroke took his life. With no warning—gone! After several months the Lord began to give hope, direction and wisdom to move forward. The work must go forward! Gwen recalls: “With the hope of the imminent return of Jesus burning in my heart, and a prayer on my lips and pen trembling in hand”—the Lord said, “Do not stop now—Go Forward!” She obeyed! “Jesus Christ, My Saviour, My Strength, My All; to Him be Glory, Honor, Power, Strength, and Blessing forever more for what He has done and will do through this ministry and all those who stand with Him in the closing hours of earth’s history.” “For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.” Hebrews 10:37 KJV
For more information on the ministry of Gwen Shorter or how you can be a part of “The Work” see or call: 1-800-823-0481 ~ email: