The Antichrist Chronicles


The Antichrist Chronicles are not about fiction, but reality. They’re not about an imaginary Mr. Evil who shows up after we’re gone. Instead, they reveal a present Antichrist that’s been around for centuries and which at this very moment is involved in global politics. Steve Wohlberg documents what the Bible and 16th century Protestant Reformers taught about “antichrist” in contrast to modern myths. Prepare yourself! You are about to discover what prophecy teachers aren’t telling you!

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The Antichrist Chronicles are not about fiction, but reality. They’re not about an imaginary Mr. Evil who shows up after we’re gone. Instead, they reveal a present Antichrist that’s been around for centuries and which at this very moment is involved in global politics. Steve Wohlberg documents what the Bible and 16th century Protestant Reformers taught about “antichrist” in contrast to modern myths. Prepare yourself! You are about to discover what prophecy teachers aren’t telling you!

Topics include: Antichrist in the Bible, Antichrist and the Rapture, Antichrist and The Falling Away, Antichrist and the Restrainer, Antichrist and the Reformation, Antichrist and the Counter-Reformation, Antichrist Denies Christ Coming in the Flesh, and much more!

The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon pushed planet Earth one step closer to Armageddon. Now, more than ever, people are searching for answers – but are they getting them? Best-selling prophecy books and popular apocalyptic movies focus on a future Rapture, a future Tribulation, a future Temple, and a future Antichrist. In so doing, are they ignoring a present danger?

Additional information

Weight 2.7 oz
Dimensions 7 × 4.25 × 0.25 in



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