Pocket Guide to Wild Edible Plants and Their Medicinal Properties including North Idaho, Northeast Washington, and British Columbia. By Dawn Trammell.
Created especially for hiking/backpacking. Also a great resource for the medical missionary. At 3 1/2 x 4 1/2″, this book is the perfect size to have on hand at all times. Know and learn how to identify wild edible plants in your area. Over 80 listed plants with full color photos of each and how to use each plant medicinally. Extra resource page listed in the back. Also includes a brief description of how to make salves, poultices, decoctions, and tinctures. Three page index included in order to quickly find the plant you need. Even though this book was designed with the plants of the Northwest in mind, many of the plants included in this book are commonly found throughout the continental United States. Condition is Brand New. Self published in USA in 2020. Printed by Barnes Printing.
homeward_admin –
“The Pocket Guide to Edible Plants is an excellent resource for eating plants and using them for medicinal purposes. The pictures and description make it easy to identify the plant in the wild. Dawn does a great job of presenting such great info in a pocket sized book. It’s more understandable than useful than any other edible plant book I have ever seen.”
– Lisa