Our Story
But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, and be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:7-14 KJV
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Conversion Stories
As far back as I can remember all of my family, relatives, and friends were churchgoers. It was an important part of weekly activities. I reasoned, if you went to church and prayed, you were good and would go to heaven. But, if you didn’t go to church, or if you committed crimes that were against the law, you were bad, and would go to hell.
My father was a minister of another denomination, and I remember him saying from the pulpit at times that Jesus died for the sin of the world. But I was always told I was a “good girl.” I hadn’t stolen anything big, killed anyone, or told any big lies; only little white ones. Surely these aren’t the sins that Jesus came to die for; He died for the big sinners. I could never apply the death of Jesus to my life and sins.
Everything I did was accepted by my peers and associates – who were called by the name Christians. Even though I did drink a little, curse a little, lie a little, cheat in school a little, and so on, it was all right. The Christian motto seemed to be, “Do whatever you like, as long as you do it in moderation and don’t get caught.” Many so-called Christians would brag about the “abundant life” they were entitled to. My “abundant life” began when I started singing in night clubs. I sang gospels, spirituals, and rhythm and blues. For many years, it bothered me that I sang both in church and in night clubs. I talked to one of my Sunday school teachers about this subject. He seemed to think it would be all right, considering I used the money for good purposes, and my heart was right. I agreed. The seeds of a double life grew deeper and deeper.
This led me to a career in show business in New York City. I went to the city on a scholarship to work on my master’s degree in theater arts, majoring in acting. After a few months of watching other show business people, I figured it would be easy for me to make quick money and be famous too. I made my way alone, to the Apollo Theater in Harlem, every Wednesday night for a talent show. For five consecutive weeks I won first place. This led to several shows with famous artists, and a recording contract. In stage life I learned the art of manipulating people’s emotions with music. I became more unaffected by people’s lives, yet they became affected by mine.
My acting career was centered around New York University, with the exception of a few television shows. When I was in one particular soap opera I was amazed at how make-believe and phony everything was. Four different rooms were all on one set, and many of the actors and actresses didn’t even know their parts. A certain man was leaving the show, so he had to “die” in the next couple of series. There was no room for individualism in these shows. The part was written out; either you fit it, or you didn’t.
At least forty dollars a month was spent in manicures, hair-dos, wigs, make-up, lashes, facials; not to mention clothes and portfolio pictures. I just had to keep everything “together.” To some who knew me then, I was living an exciting life. However, deep inside I was afraid to think, because I longed for a deeper meaning in life. My life was full of bright lights, fine clothes, wining and dining, and big money. I found my picture in magazines. I appeared on TV shows. I had fans galore, a good manager. Still something was missing.
In modeling alone, I earned sixty dollars an hour, with one of the top black modeling agencies in New York City. One lesson I learned in modeling was that almost everybody hates himself as God made him and spends most of his life trying to change the way he is.
What the popular magazines called beautiful was the standard, and if you wanted to be beautiful and accepted, you must do what they suggested. I didn’t understand what inner beauty was until I found my Lord. I was a phony. I was anything and everything to others, but nothing to myself. I was insecure, but continued playing a role. There is no joy or peace of mind like accepting yourself as you are, having nothing to hide. This comes when you’ve found yourself through a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. I once spent hours alone preparing my face to meet the public. Now I spend those hours in quiet solitude with Jesus.
In the night club on 44th street in NYC, I met Rick Shorter. I was auditioning for a show at the club. He informed me that I could eliminate all the trouble of auditioning, and that he would get me on the show. He did, and from then on Rick managed my professional career. At that time, he had his own publishing house and recording company, managed five other musical rock groups, and was musical coordinator of a Broadway show called “Hair.”
The opportunities were getting bigger every day for more shows and more money. Our careers were leading up the ladder to fame and fortune.
One night while Rick and I were watching television in my apartment, we saw a program called It Is Written with Pastor George Vandeman. I was amazed by this program! This man spoke so differently. He seemed like a person from another world. He would often say we could find this, that, or the other in the Bible. I would think to myself, I’ve been going to church all my life and I know my father knows the Bible too. If this man is telling the truth, why didn’t I know this before?
Every time I would check on what Pastor Vandeman said was in the Bible, I found it was there, and exactly as he said it. He didn’t seem like the kind of person that would lie either, especially on TV. One night a book was offered to the TV audience called Steps to Christ, by Ellen G. White. I was very interested, but Rick wasn’t. I persisted, so we called the phone number we were asked to call to receive the book. Later, each of us received a book in the mail. I never read it after they sent it, but those people kept our addresses, and mailed us invitations to some evangelistic meetings. I thought to myself, these are really friendly people; they even sent free tickets to the program.
One Labor Day weekend, after a full day of fun, games, and rides at Coney Island, I suggested to Rick that we go by the church that invited us to the meetings, since they were so nice as to send us free tickets. He reluctantly agreed, never once letting me know the church was a Seventh-day Adventist, although he was a former member. The first night I was shocked. I never saw people so simple in dress and manners. They were all so young and healthy looking; even the older people had a glow to their cheeks and a skip in their step. They were genuinely friendly people.
The minister, Ron Halvorsen, preached straight from the Bible. He said things I had never heard in my life. He taught that there are only two roads in life; one is narrow and leads to eternal life; the other is broad and leads to death and destruction. To my surprise, I discovered that there is no middle road. You have to choose one or the other.
At every point I wanted to argue with him, but he would refer me to the Word of God, and I would be silenced. The truths in the Bible, such as the Sabbath being the seventh day of the week, baptism by immersion, and Jesus’ soon return to the earth, were heart-stirring and shocking. But nothing touched my heart more than when I heard the sermon that told me Jesus was God, that He died for my sins, and loves me as if I were the only one He had created.
When the love and righteousness of Christ were presented, I could see my hypocrisy and filthiness. Compared to others, I thought I looked pretty good, but compared to Jesus I was a sinner who needed to be saved by His grace. (Eph. 2:8, 9)
Then I understood why going to church alone could not save me. I understood why mere profession of Christianity was no guarantee for eternal life, and that all the good deeds I did could never win me salvation. “There is none righteous, no, not one.” (Rom. 3:10) I really wanted to know God. I wanted to be saved. Ron Halvorsen told me that I could know and love Jesus as a true Friend and personal Savior. (John 15:13-16) This seemed too good to be true! I never imagined God loving and caring for me so much.
One Saturday morning, Pastor Halvorsen asked, “Who wants to accept Jesus?” He went on to say, “To linger is to be lost.” How could I say No? The love of God had changed my heart. I was overwhelmed with the thought of God giving me salvation as a free gift simply because He loves me. I could not hold back my tears. I was crying very hard, and before I knew it, Rick and I had sprung to our feet. Tearfully but joyfully, we surrendered our lives to Jesus Christ and His guidance. I had such peace within me. I thought I had peace before, but my God declares His to be a peace that passeth all understanding, and it is!
Soon afterward, Rick and I were baptized in Christ Jesus. We became Seventh-day Adventist Christians. More than being labeled by the name Seventh-day Adventist, we became true disciples of Christ. I have personally studied much about what this denomination believes and teaches, and my only reference has been the Bible. There is no other church on earth to which God has given so much light and truth in His Word as to Seventh-day Adventists. Until Jesus comes, I want to be identified with a people who keep all the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. (Rev. 14: 12; Rom. 1:16, 17)
Rick and I both felt that the Lord had called us together, and just at the right time – before we made it “really big” in our careers and would not want to turn to the Lord. We both wanted to devote the rest of our lives completely, wholeheartedly, and unreservedly to the spreading of the gospel. Our Lord has answered our prayers.
For almost two years we have owned and operated, full time, a vegetarian restaurant, health food store, and health juice bar in the East Village of New York City. It is not a money-making venture. It is His mission to lead people to life by coming to, or working in, this restaurant. These young people are now sharing their faith with others. We thank God for the way He has led and is still leading us.
In conclusion, my convictions are expressed in the words of the apostle Paul:
“But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, and be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made comformable unto his death.” (Phil. 3:7-10)
I was reared in a Seventh-day Adventist home in which, we had family worship three times a day. If dad wasn’t there mother led out. My parents gave Bible studies to interested persons seven nights a week.
When I was old enough, my parents let me operate the film projector for my dad’s evangelistic meetings. Since my father was an ex-jazz musician who accepted Christ as his personal Lord when I was about 3 years old, our family was able to provide the music. Dad turned his guitar into an instrument of joy as he brought the love of Jesus to hundreds through Christian music. My two brothers and I were taught to sing with him, and as a family, we were invited far and wide to participate in church programs.
My parents were determined to provide a Christian education for their children. This took me from elementary church school in Rochester, New York, to an Adventist boarding academy, to an Adventist liberal arts college. I look back now and realize how important Christian education is. At the time, I little appreciated what everyone was trying to do for me.
On the surface I did the right things. I sang in quartets because the Lord had given me musical ability. Requests came from everywhere, including radio stations. The “Amens” were loud and frequent; there would be many tears. But we didn’t pay attention to what we were singing. We sang because we liked to sing and because we wanted to be seen.
Because of my careless attitude toward religion it was easy to let myself slip with regard to Adventist standards. One slip led to another until, although I didn’t realize it then, my whole life began to erode. Because I didn’t have an inner connection with Jesus there was no great reluctance when friends invited me to share their alcoholic beverages, their theater attendance, their uninhibited dietary habits.
Whatever was left of my spiritual life rapidly deteriorated while I was in the armed services. When I was discharged I headed for New York City where I was determined to make my first million dollars. That was my decision. I had special gifts as a musician and I was going to use that ability to become a millionaire – just as many other young musicians have made their millions. My first major purchases would be an airplane and four homes around the world. I would fly my friends and my band from one country to the next – wherever the weather was the most pleasant. Life would be one big party – just as many other young musicians were living it.
For thirteen years I wrote and published songs, produced records, and finally ended up on Broadway with a show called “Hair.” This was at the top. Young people from all over the country came to New York City hoping to be hired as members of this wildly successful musical. My task, in addition to writing some of its music, was to visit other cities, such as Chicago and Detroit, casting for young people to join future presentations of “Hair.”
All this time I was saying to myself, “God, I know You’re up there.” (I had never denied that there was a God.) But I said, “Look God, if You come before I have made a million dollars, You are going to have to burn me up, that’s all. Just burn me up because I want to make my million dollars.”
My family talent was paying off. Companies were publishing all the songs that I would write. I made $10, 000 during my first year in New York City – just writing songs. I soon found myself working in night clubs uptown instead of downtown. I found people looking for me to write songs unknown. When I went to Columbia Records, the president would walk over and say, “Come into my office.” I got the same kind of welcome at RCA and MGM. My annual income hit $70.000.
And into the middle of all this came the Lord. He asked me to look around, to take a long look at the friends I had made in the world of “Hair,” rock, and entertainment in general. Several of these world-famous people, such as Jimmy Hendrix and Janice Joplin, were dead. They had died from drug overdoses – all within a one-year period. But each was making fantastic amounts of money – as much as $30,000 for one hour on stage, and considerably more if they were on for two hours. All millionaires, and yet all dead. All young, dying the same way.
A question hit me squarely, what is this all about? The tragedies were coming too fast and too close. One evening I took a fellow member of “Hair” to his home – a young man with a leading part. The next day I glanced at a newspaper and saw him on the front page, leaping from his fifth-story room. After he fell asleep, his marijuana cigarette had set fire to something in his room and the fire had spread. He jumped to his death in order to escape the fire.
Other sad and jarring events happened in quick succession. Through it all the Lord was speaking to me. My mom was back home praying for me. She continued to send me the Message magazine, but I would give it to some friend saying, “This is good, you ought to read it.”
Then came that night following a poker game – a game that came naturally, after I learned to be good at a card game called “Rook.” Standing on the street corner, I was still high after a good game, when I saw a young man on the back of a camper truck at the corner of 8th street and 6th Avenue. I think I heard him before I saw him. He was proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ at the top of his lungs. Everybody was laughing at him. They were asking him about a recent bus accident in which many children were killed. How could God love us and permit this to happen? When the young man tried to explain his point, he couldn’t put it all together.
Something overwhelmed me, and I felt sorry for him. Right there, I began to preach for him, the first sermon in my whole life. In that crowd of about a hundred there were four men who were making the most noise and laughing the loudest. By the time I finished explaining the plan of redemption as I had learned it in that church school in Rochester and during my academy and college years, those four men were crying real tears. I knew something had happened in my life at that point. It never again was the same. A corner was turned, though the battles had not all been won.
About this time, I met the girl who is now my wife, Gwen Simmons, whose story precedes this one. It was in a night club where she had come to be interviewed for a show that I was working with. Because her singing was extra good I told her that she didn’t need an audition, that I would get her on the show immediately. For the next year I became her manager and managed five rock-and-roll bands as well.
One evening while Gwen and I were relaxing with television, a program called, It Is Written, caught our eye. We watched several subsequent programs and asked for the book, Steps to Christ, that was offered on one of the programs. Soon after receiving the book by mail there was a follow-up – an invitation to attend Evangelist Ron Halvorsen’s meetings. Gwen and I went to almost all the remaining meetings in the series. We broke our show engagements, skipped practices or anything else that would prevent our attending these meetings.
Evangelist Halvorsen preached the same gospel my father had preached years ago, the same gospel I had projected on the screen during my father’s meetings in my teen years. The gospel had not changed – but I had.
On a Sabbath morning, after we had gone ten times to hear our new preacher friend, I found myself trying to decide whether I should forget the $70,000 per year I was making or keep on going. Then it happened. In the midst of my mental anguish, which was going on while Elder Halvorsen was preaching, he extended the gospel call, inviting me to stand and step out for the Lord. The struggle was intense, but I found myself jumping from my seat, followed by Gwen. I knew that the evil one was desperately clinging to me. Gwen and I cried like children. I felt all the guilt of sin I had accumulated over the years. I regretted every moment I had been away from God. Gwen and I arranged for baptism as quickly as possible and we were baptized in the same pool together.
Wanting to do something positive for the Lord immediately, Gwen and I participated in a little storefront mission near St. Mark’s Place, in the center New York’s East Village.
During one of the evenings while we were singing our songs and talking to people on the street, Gene entered our lives. He came on his hands and knees, crawling up 8th street, trying to escape the hallucinations of another LSD trip. He had been released from the terrible LSD experience he was having. For him, the whole world was melting – buildings, cars, people, everything. For Gene, it was a very real and frightening experience.
An elderly lady, about 60, was helping us at the mission that night. She took Gene by the arm, saying, “I’ll show you the way.” It was just that simple. Here was a wild man, with long hair that flew in all directions, and here was this little frail, white-haired Mary leading Gene into our mission called, “The Way Out.”
Gene discovered that there were other young men and women inside who had similar problems and who also wanted to live, not die. When he came in Gwen was singing, and he knew in a flash that this was the place he wanted to be – he felt safe.
Gene accepted Jesus as his personal Savior and Lord of his life. Then he began to lead some of his friends to Jesus. In the past two years he has learned as much about the Bible and the writings of Ellen White as most people have learned who have had this opportunity for many years.
Gene has helped me to remodel and construct a vegetarian restaurant in New York City that had greatly enlarged our usefulness there. A larger outreach is now being planned; new ways to reach more people in a great city where many traditional methods no longer work, are being discussed. But each step is a step of faith. The “Miracles of Faith” are still with us. God bore me in His arms the past three years since I let Him have His way in my life. I have regrets that I wasted so much of His time. But I am going to let Him redeem the years that the locusts have eaten – and He is making all the difference. The past three years have been the happiest of my life.
Gwen and I were married a few months ago in the Manhattan Seventh-day Adventist church, where we first went seeking the Lord and where we were baptized. Gene was our best man. Surely God has been good to Gwen and me by uniting us in holy matrimony. We have before us only one purpose – to share the gospel and its joy that the Lord has, in His mercy, given us.
My message to all, especially my young friends, is: Don’t do as I did in my life. Once a person has tasted sin it’s much harder to overcome. Satan has a thousand ways to deceive and tempt and only the strong arm of the Lord can give the strength to overcome after years of wrong practices. Besides, we missed all those many wonderful days and years by living apart from our Lord Jesus who loves us and wants to give us His joy.
©1975 Review and Herald Publishing Association
A few years ago an unsavory play entitled, “Hair,” was a big hit on Broadway. It is, in fact, still running there. An unlikely place to look for someone to become active for the Lord? God’s love reaches any place and every place, and we need to be ready for surprises when we are colaborers with Him. God had His eye on the youthful music director of that Broadway musical.
Rick Shorter was no amateur in the rock-and-roll business. In addition to musical directing, he was also a skilled vocalist and guitarist. His circle of friends included such rock stars as Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Jim Morrison. He had hit the big time, and was content with his lot in life — except for a certain uneasiness.
Although he could not have been called religious, Rick did have some knowledge of the Bible, and this is what caused his uneasiness. He knew a little about the second coming of Christ, and what he kept reading in the newspaper headlines seemed to tally with the signs of that coming as recorded in scripture. If this all added up to the end of our present world, he knew he wasn’t ready for such a climactic event. Nevertheless, actual religious activities were limited to occasional dialogs with street evangelists.
A highly active person, Rick was also manager for Gwen Simmons, a soul singer with a lovely voice. Gwen had had a religious background, but in the harsh glare of Broadway’s lights her faith was relegated to the shadows. As Rick helped direct her singing career, he found himself falling in love with this petite and personable young lady. They are planning to be married soon.
God decided it was time to intervene in the lives of these two young people. While twirling the dial on his TV set, Rick tuned in to an advertisement that invited him to write for a free copy of the book, Steps to Christ. He sent for it, and its simple message captivated his thinking. When our evangelistic meetings opened in Manhattan’s famed Greenwich Village, Rick and Gwen began attending regularly. Step by step they advanced in truth, and it became apparent they were nearing a decision for Christ. But there were problems.
Rick realized his way of life hardly squared with his new-found faith. On the other hand, that was his life; how else could he make a living? I also had a crucial visit with Gwen. She was all made up, bejeweled, and wearing a micromini skirt. “Ron,” she agonized, “if I accept the Lord I’m going to have to give up everything — my singing career, my recording, my acting. What can I do?” Then she broke into tears.
“Gwen, I think you know what the Lord wants you to do,” I responded. “You have to make a decision, but I can assure you that if you cast your lot with Christ, He’ll never let you down.”
Gwen made her decision, giving up her drama scholarship at New York University and taking a position as a clerk at the New York Telephone Company. The pay was much less than the $60 per hour she had made modeling and singing, but the new sense of freedom was worth the financial sacrifice.
Rick decided to go into some kind of self-supporting work that would not only give him a living but also permit him to witness actively. In answer to prayer he received a gift of money sufficient to establish s small print shop. This venture was successful to the extent that he was able to open up a health-food store and vegetarian restaurant on Manhattan’s Second Avenue. There, in “The Beautiful Way,” he and Gwen not only helped people to live healthfully, but also had frequent opportunities to minister to their souls as well.
Reminiscing, Rick says, “I remember sitting and smoking pot with Joplin and Hendrix. Where are they now? Dead. But I’m alive. Really alive in Christ!”
©1973 Review and Herald Publishing Association

"A Time That's Called The End" by Rick Shorter
From the album, “The Creation Story”
The first song Rick wrote after his show business career — 10 years later. (He said he had to get the show business & rock out of his mind first!)

Ron Halvorsen Sr. Interview (Part 1)
Baptized Rick and Gwen in 1970
Ron Halvorsen Sr. is interviewed by C.A. Murray and Jim Gilley. Ron gives a brief mention about Rick and Gwen at 56:30.
From the Obituary
Herbert Richard Shorter Jr. was born May 1, 1934 to Herbert Richard Shorter Sr. and Madeline Gwendolyn Ruth Shorter. He was the eldest of three boys including Howard John and Louis Wesley. Rick attended Browne Memorial Elementary SDA, Culver School SDA, Pine Forge and Oakwood University. While attending Pine Forge, Rick was a member of The Vibertones / Wheels of Harmony Quartet, which he managed. He also sang with the Oakwood Male Chorus which appeared on various TV shows that included, The Big Pay Off and The Ted Mack Amateur Hour. During Rick’s third year at Oakwood University he was drafted into the US Army, where he was a member of Operation White Coats from 1954-1973 and received an honorable discharge.
“Rick has always been on stage, on camera or on microphone. Taught by his father, ex-jazz guitarist turned clergyman, Rick was singing professionally at Gospel Camp Meetings by age ten. During junior high Rick had his own hometown radio show in Rochester, NY. He has written songs for many years. The melodic beauty and potent message typical of a Shorter song, has been revealed on records by such greats as Burl Ives, Gene Pitney, Jose Feliciano, and Woody Herman. When you hear Rick’s songs, you get the feeling that he knows what he’s singing about.” – Columbia Records
Rick and Gwen met in the night club, The African Room on Broadway and 42nd Street in NYC. Rick was the musical director of the Broadway musical, “Hair.” Tom Wilson was his music mentor. Rick also managed five rock bands and wrote and produced music for Jimmie Rodgers, Jackie Follett, Street and The Paupers, as well as pursuing his own musical career with his own label, Traffic Records.
Gwen was a model, professional actress and recording artist. Each was in the “fast lane” determined to “make it”. Through a series of providential interpositions, they found themselves in the Manhattan SDA Church listening to evangelistic meetings. They both said “yes” to the Lord Jesus Christ and their lives made a decisive turn around. It was love at first sight and Rick told Gwen later, “The Lord told me when I first saw Gwen, she was going to be my wife.”
They both also said “yes to the Lord” and “I do” to each other, and were married in the same church in NYC several years later. They each made two promises to each other and to the Lord: 1) That they would never separate and would work together always, and 2) That they would work for the upbuilding of Christ’s kingdom and go wherever he wanted them to go, do whatever he wanted them to do for the salvation of souls. They have only been separated 3 or 4 times since they met almost 48 years ago.
- Their work included a strict vegetarian restaurant in NYC for four and a half years, called The Beautiful Way
- Another, The Beautiful Way, vegan restaurant in New Paltz, New York for four and a half years
- A wholesale health food production company, Sister Shorter’s Healthier Health Foods, with up to 17 products and 22 employees in NYC, New Paltz, Rifton, Livingston and Earlton, New York from 1973-2005
- A lifestyle center in Yorba Linda, CA for four and a half years called Live and Learn
- A publishing company, homewardpublishingministries.com, spanning almost 3 decades
- Together they have written five books, shared their conversion story to many academies, colleges and universities, churches, etc.
- Cooking classes, natural remedies and medical missionary classes, week of prayers, and seminars on various subjects
The highlight of their church life was joining the Central Filipino SDA church in Los Angeles, CA. In the providence of the Lord they gave them love, acceptance and a place to work unbridled and joined with many eager, willing and loving hearts for almost 10 years, under the leadership of Senior Pastor Simeon Rosete, to spread the gospel. On October 11, 2016, with a send off from their church family, they “headed for the hills” and the beautiful country life of the northwest USA, Idaho/Washington area.
The final project of Rick and Gwen together was the book, Seventh-day Adventists Believe What? Rick designed the cover, promotional cards and videos. Pastor Jim Anderson of the Newport SDA Church was so impressed with the book that he arranged for a dedication on Sabbath, August 26, 2017. This date was postponed. However, it is Gwen’s desire to keep alive their continued plans and passion for the Lord’s work through their ministries. Until his last day and breath, he worked diligently to get this book into as many hands as possible. Our plan was to pick up the promotional cards that day, instead Rick ended up in the ICU.
Rick went to sleep in Jesus on Friday, September 1, 2017 at 4:46 pm, surrounded by his wife, children, and brothers and sisters in Christ, before the Sabbath. We are all looking forward to meeting him in the first resurrection.
List of Christian Songs
(Lyrics and Music by Rick Shorter)
But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Galatians 6:14 KJV
For more information on Rick Shorter, see: Wikipedia, English – Rick Shorter
Articles and Mentions
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live
in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20 KJV
Miracles of Faith
For with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37 KJV
“Our Heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing. Those who accept the one principle of making the service of God supreme, will find perplexities vanish and a plain path before their feet.” MH p.480
- One day in our health food business in upstate New York, we loaded our van with prepared packaged foods to sell to the health food stores in New York City. Rick left to make the trip, but, later discovers the gas gauge on empty! He looked in his pocket and found only $.25! So, he prayed and decided to drive until he couldn’t anymore. Eventually, the gas ran out as he coasted into a rest stop and gas station! With nowhere to go he got out of the van, went into the restaurant and waited for the Lord to tell him what to do. Just then, an older Caucasian man sat down to talk with him, and after a while he says to Rick, “I don’t know why, but I feel like I should give you $20.00.” (Generally Rick would say no – not this time!) Rick said, “Thank you, I appreciate it very much!” Then he went out, put gas in the van and drove to NYC – no problem. Everything in the van sold, and Rick had a wonderful opportunity to witness at the rest stop. That one day of sales alone was equal to several weeks’ wages. Praise the Lord!
Scripture: “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” – Hebrews 13:2. KJV We happened to be standing in line in a place we should not have been. We were evicted from our home unfairly and trying to figure out what to do. We had to respond to the eviction notice and it was our turn at the window. The lady said “that will be $500.00!” And we said – “what is that for?” she replied, “THAT’S THE FEE!” To that Rick responded, “For what?” And again she said, “THAT’S THE FEE!” At that tense moment, we ask to be excused, decided to leave the counter and go down the hall to talk over our plans as to what to do next. We found a quiet place and discussed our dilemma of having to respond to the notice; never thinking we owed anything. (Interestingly enough, we found out later that we would’ve lost everything in our home if the $500 had not been paid that day.) As Rick and I talked a dark-skinned gentleman with straight black hair (maybe east Indian) approached us and introduced himself, as he proceeds to take out bills from his wallet. He then counted out 5 crisp 100-dollar bills and handed them to us. Our mouths were opened wide. Hardly before we composed ourselves and thanked him profusely, he was on his way. He was calm but, in a hurry, and in a few more minutes he handed us his business card and briskly walked away. No strings attached. No receipt. Just wanted to help he said. We went back to the counter and paid the lady $500.00!
Scripture: “I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvelous works.” – Psalm 9:1-2. KJV
It was a normal day in our restaurant in NYC. Suddenly, two men walked in with guns on their side and said they were from the tax department and we had not paid our taxes! They asked for $7,000, or we all had to leave the restaurant immediately. Customers, employees – everyone dropped everything and left. The officers slapped a sign on the door and window that no one could enter the premises, or they would be arrested. We left and decided to meet all the employees on a certain day in our little apartment. When we gathered the first thing we did was knelt and prayed. Just as we were getting off our knees the phone rang. Rick answered and the person on the other line said, “You don’t know me, and I don’t know you.” He told us he was a physicist who had been praying and in one billionth of a second God told him to help us! His words were, “I have $3,500 to give you!” (This was the exact amount we needed.) We offered to repay him and to give him a receipt, but he declined both. The arrangement we made by faith with the tax collectors was $3,500 the 1st week and $3,500 the 2nd week.
Scripture: “For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” – Psalms 84:11. KJV
The day we re-opened, a beautiful Jewish lady told us how much she missed us, and the restaurant being opened. (She was a regular customer.) Then she asked, “is there anything I can do to help?” We paused. She said, “I can borrow up to $3,500 from my credit union. The next day she joyfully handed us $3,500 with hugs and much love. She was just glad to help! We were praising the Lord for what He had done.
Scripture: “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” – Isaiah 65:24. KJV
Our health business was greatly in need of a Doboy packaging machine, so we prayed for $20,000. We started out packaging our products by hand but could not keep up with the orders. So, Rick and I continued to pray many times about this. Our prayers were heard, and the Lord through His Divine providence supplied us with a machine that was delivered and setup as a gift to the Lord’s work. With the new machine we quickly and seamlessly packaged our best seller – Sister Shorter’s Rice ’N Oat Bar; 60 pieces a minute – every second our bars, carob brownies, and carrot cake were perfectly packaged. On every packaged product was the text John 3:16. Unbeknownst to us, God was setting us up in business for the next 30 years because our products were in such demand in NYC. We praised the Lord for His continued blessings!
Scripture: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.” – Psalm 37:23. KJV
Rick was a prolific song writer. Before we met Jesus Christ as our personal savior, we both sang in night clubs, recorded R&B, Rock, etc…Now living for Jesus, Rick wanted to record religious music. He had written many songs already, but we had no way to record them. We needed our own recording studio and equipment. So, we prayed. One day we got a phone call, the gentlemen on the other end of the line asked us a direct question. He said, “When are you going to get your CD out?” We told him we would as soon as we could get $20,000. (Rick had researched the cost already for the recording equipment). The next thing out of his mouth was, “What is the routing number and the account number for your bank?” We gave it to him. The very next day we had $20,000 in our account. We purchased all the equipment and recorded the songs Rick had written. All of it was done in our own home studio! Now we were singing and recording God’s music! Praise the Lord! This was the beginning of our music ministry!
Scripture: “From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’S name is to be praised.” – Psalm 113:3. KJV
- The Lord blessed our efforts in New York City with our first vegan restaurant. (Our 1st Medical Missionary venture) The first year 14 precious souls were baptized into the faith, including:
- A Black Panther activist (this young man also helped Rick build the restaurant, was his best man in our wedding and is still an SDA today)
- Sweet Jewish young lady
- A Mormon girl who was my maid of honor
- An Armenian lady who was already an amazing cook, health advocate and manager in a NYC bank
- A dancer (a black American girl) who met her husband in our restaurant and learned to cook and started a similar restaurant in the south. She was at NY University as an undergraduate studying dance – I was at NY University in the graduate department studying acting. She later left NY University, was baptized and became a medical missionary, first-class cook, opening a most popular vegan restaurant in Nashville with her new husband, and then is a midwife to this day!
- And many more…Praise the Lord!
Scripture: “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” – Luke 15:10. KJV
In my office one day I was copying material for some meetings we were to conduct. The machine ran out of ink. I prayed to my Lord – “Lord you did this for Roger Morneau (Author of Incredible Answers to Prayer), can you please do it for me too?” Immediately the copier had more ink and I was able to use it not just one time but many times after that. It just kept on copying whatever I needed. Praise Him!
Scripture: “…God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1. KJV
Our friend, Dr. JMH came by our restaurant as we were preparing for our grand opening without any equipment. Discussing our great need he said we would need at least $50,000 to purchase the equipment!! Weeks later, one of our waiters told us about the possibility to purchase equipment from his mother who owned 2 restaurants in the Bronx. We were so busy we never called her. A little later that same waiter said to us, “My mother said, please come and get the restaurant equipment; you can have it all before the tax people get it!” We did. Everything we needed the Lord provided – 1st class cold table, hot table, dish washer, cooler, etc… and we praised Him. He was, is, and always will be our Provider!
Scripture: “ Jesus said unto to him, If thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth.” – Mark 9:23. KJV
Through another miracle we obtained a beautiful home with 4 fireplaces, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, pool, garden, etc. almost 6,000 sq. ft. but no furniture! So, one Sabbath after church we went for a walk (In the Loma Linda area). Towards the end of our walk the young man who was with us invited us to his home. We told him we had to be on our way and could stay only for a few minutes. As we entered his apartment, we unknowingly walked in on a meeting that was interrupted by our presence. We apologized and would have asked to be excused but before we could, the young man introduced us. He said, “They are opening a lifestyle center in ___.” The room erupted with expressions of joy, encouragement and praises to the Lord. Out of nowhere a young physician among them asks if we had furniture. To which we said no. He then told us to rent a truck and meet him on Monday morning. “Here’s my card, I own a furniture store – you can get everything you need.” So, we did. By the grace of God, we were able to get beds, bureaus, tables, chairs, etc. in solid oak all new for God’s work!
Scripture: “The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.” – Psalm 34: 17,19. KJV
Years ago, we were reported to the education authorities for home schooling our children but, by whom? Consequently, we had to retain the services of an attorney. We called many attorneys, but could not afford them. The last attorney we spoke to said, “Well maybe, you should talk to __________. He is the best in the country, but he’s working at the White House with Senator Orin Hatch. I don’t know if you can reach him but here’s his number.” Rick and I prayed and then decided to call the high-powered attorney. A kind deep-voiced Roman Catholic man answered the phone. After laying out our case, (We were being accused by the state because our children were not in a private or public school) we were surprised when he said he would take it. We were so excited we forgot to ask before we got off the phone, how much he charged! Rick said, “Can you call him back and ask him?” I did, but with many apologies. When I asked him how much he charged his answer was, “Nothing!” He even paid his own air fare, gas, food, etc… and would not take anything for his services. From our four books on education he gave our complete defense from memory!! He was at least 6 ft. 5in. tall, with a super deep base voice, extra long cigar, and a most gentle and kind demeanor. The last day of court the judge said we will send the verdict in the mail. Years later we are still waiting for the verdict! It never came in the mail!
Post Script: For 2 years I prayed and asked the Lord to reveal who reported us to the authorities. I promised Him I would not be angry with the person. One day in church someone came up to me and said, “I bet you would like to know who reported your children were not in school.” (This was before home schooling was popular.) I said, “Yes, I have been praying about that;” and right there the name was given to me. I was shocked. Would never have suspected that person, but it was alright. The Lord worked in our behalf and we won the case, – they dropped it like hot coals! Amen!
Scripture: “When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: All sheep and oxen, yea and the beasts of the field; the foul of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. O Lord our Lord, how excellent is they name in all the earth!” – Psalms 8:7-9. KJV
- Three cardiologists conferred together and decided not to charge him for their services. One of them was from an upstate hospital in Catskill, NY; and the other two from Columbia University Medical Center in NYC.
- A family and friends of 15 or more people drove 3000 miles to cover for our business while I was in the hospital with Rick.
- An individual blessed us with $7k gift to get us through this difficult time.
- A lifestyle center just outside of NY (LS) invited us to stay there for Rick to recuperate as long as needed and would not take a dime for it.
- It was a special surgery, lasted 29 years with no problem!
- Rick took no medication after – but lived the 8 laws.
- And much more…
Scripture: “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” – Psalm. 34:19. KJV
All of a sudden, Promise our first child (5 yrs. Old) could not walk. She kept falling to the floor each time she tried to walk. Hospitalized for more than a week doctors had no clue what was wrong. She was bedridden and had to endure many unpleasant tests, etc. So, we prayed and gave her hydrotherapy (hot and cold treatment to the limbs) in the hospital bath tub. After just one hydrotherapy treatment Promise got out of the tub and started walking! We took her home the next day.
Scripture: “I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.” – Psalm 116:1-2. KJV
- Hope, as a preemie had to remain in the hospital one month. She was an identical twin to her sister, Faith, whom we lost three days after birth. We visited her everyday and fed her. One day we walked in and saw her incubator was unplugged. When we showed the nurse, she panicked but plugged it in quickly. We trusted and prayed that God would protect her, and all was well all of her life – no repercussions!
Scripture: “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.” – Psalm 121:1-2. KJV Christian (about 3 years old) fell from a 12 ft balcony to a hard wood floor head first. One of the workers, standing below the balcony, not thinking, asked him to reach for her hands. When he did and he fell head first to the floor. He fractured his skull and was unconscious. I road with him to the hospital in an ambulance. They laid him on a bed and I knelt there and prayed for his life and if God chose to spare him – that he would not be affected by the fall. There was no response. Then my dear husband returned from New York City and came into the hospital room. We wept and prayed – and as if our son was just waiting for daddy to come he interrupts our prayer, opens his eyes, and began singing “Jesus Loves Me This I Know!” We praised the Lord and shouted (not loud) for joy. We took him home and the only thing he needed was to wear a football helmet for 1 month, until the fracture healed. Today he is strong, and has no repercussions from the fall. We knew God answered our prayer because a few weeks later in a newspaper article we read about a child that fell from a 6ft height and died immediately.
Scripture: “The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.” – Nahum 1:7. KJV
The trip from Albany, NY to NYC took about 3 hours. We had done it many, many times going through country roads, tolls, traffic, etc. One morning Rick and I made our usual trip but this time we needed to get back from NYC in time for a very important board meeting. We worked hard all day and did all we could to leave on time. (3 hours early, to make the meeting on time) We looked at the time, and calculated how long it would take to get to this board meeting. We decided that it didn’t matter how fast we drove we would reach the board meeting just in time to see the members leaving the meeting to go back to their cars to go home. We prayed anyway for God to work a miracle that we get there on time. We prayed as Rick drove and kept on praying – We had to be there! This was a very important meeting. When we drove up to the church everyone was just walking from their cars to the church. At first we were confused. They should be walking out of the church to their cars! We checked the time. It was true they had not started the meeting. Later we tried to recall passing one place after another and could not recall them. We just knew that the Lord answered our prayers and got us to the meeting on time – a 3 hour trip took 1/3 the time to drive!! We praised His name. All went well at the meeting and some important issues were clarified and made plain for all to understand God’s will. The Lord wanted Rick at that important meeting!
Scripture: “Ah Lord God! Behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee.” – Jeremiah 32:17. KJV
- We were asked by several SDA business men and their wives to join up as partners in our famous Sister Shorter’s Rice ‘n Oat Bar business. (the cookie business). After several phone calls and meetings, a draft of the business agreement and contract for all parties was distributed and signed individually. We had agreed upon certain protocols for expansion, distribution, percentages, etc. It came to our attention that a breach had been made in the contract by one of the ladies. When approached and questioned, she merely stated she did not want to be apart of this business any longer! Business over. Friendship ended. What did I do wrong, I asked? Well, I decided to pray fervently that the Lord would figure out some way that she would need my help, so I could show her I loved her and she was truly my friend. (She was a well-to-do business lady who had everything, so she did not need me for anything!) Then One day I received a call. It was my estranged friend. She was bedridden and said she was having so much trouble with her back and had been to the doctor, but the pain had not subsided. “Could you please come over and give me a treatment,” she said. I was so happy!! “Of course, I’ll gather up my towels, etc. and be over right away,” I said. The Lord blessed in a marvelous way as I was praying for relief for her, almost constantly throughout the treatment. We prayed together. She actually got up and walked and thanked me over and over again. And I thanked the Lord over and over again! She had no more trouble with her back and we were friends again! Praise His Name!
Scripture: “Trust in the Lord and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” – Psalm 37:3-5. KJV
- But, they must be healthy cookies! Many years ago we lived in a small town with just one health food store. Each week I would take about a 45 minutes walk there to buy this one cookie that was totally healthy – no sugar, no eggs, no baking powder, etc. I looked forward to a little reprieve from work to get my favorite treat! This one week they were completely sold out. I was so disappointed! All the way back home I kept saying to myself – this is my last walk to this store, “I will make my own cookie!”
As I arrived home, I quickly gathered all the ingredients I had on hand for this cookie, then I knelt and asked the Lord to please give me a recipe for a cookie with these ingredients. (I always prayed for wisdom before making a recipe.) After the cookie was made, baked and cooled, I took some to my dear husband. He tasted it and said, “This cookie is going to make us a lot of money.” Rick was not a prophet, but he was an expert in business and marketing. He set out immediately to find a way to shape the cookie into bars (This was the first bar-shaped cookie in NYC on the market in the 70’s). Long story short – This became the fastest selling cookie/bars in NYC with 60 stores of our own, and 6 distributors spread through out the Northeast. We did all we could to keep up with the orders. Fan mail came in regularly. Soon, the store owners would say, if you do not have Sister Shorter’s Rice ‘n Oat Bar, we do not want any of the other sixteen products! On every product was the text, John 3:16. Store owners ordered the cookies by the 10’s of dozens. Distributors ordered the cookies by the 50-100 dozens and individuals scrambled to just order them by the single dozens! The Lord blessed that cookie immensely until we moved to Los Angeles – then He closed that door. Our work then was, not the food production, but more the spiritual work with people’s health in our lifestyle center and our local church – Central Filipino SDA Church. The success of that one cookie lasted for over thirty years. Then another cookie moved on the scene (very similar) to replace the void in the market – The Cliff Bar!Scripture: “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.” – Psalm 37:25. KJV
- From the time we were baptized we wanted to work for the Lord in full-time ministry. As far as we were concerned – there just was not enough time in a day for all we desired to do in God’s work, nor enough money. We had read the book, “The Great Controversy” and was sure the Lord would come in a few years, and we wanted to do all we could to be ready, and help others get ready! So how did we get started? When I met Rick, he was working with the show “Hair” – the first rock musical hit on Broadway in New York City. He had produced the cast album, but the credits were stolen from him and given to someone else. His friend, and a great musician heard of Rick’s conversion. Long story short, again, he gave him $10,000 to buy a print shop business, which helped us to start our first restaurant in New York City, “The Beautiful Way.” The Lord was guiding and directing our lives in a very personal and powerful way!
PS. The ongoing result was 2 vegan restaurants and a wholesale health food production company, “Sister Shorter’s” spanning over 3 decades of medical missionary work!
Scripture: “Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen” – Hebrews 13:20,21. KJV
- My son Christian’s best friend (M’s) grandpa gets new lease on life, free of cancer and new lease on faith in God.
- Christian asked me to pray for his friend’s grandpa. He was very sick with cancer.
- He kept asking me to pray for his friend’s grandpa
- Then he asked, “Mommy, can you please help (M’s) grandpa? I said sure. I asked Christian to give our phone number to his grandpa. He called and I told him what to do, juicing, walking, simple plant-based diet, what, when and how to eat, drink, etc. (See Start Now Program on homepage). I had not met his grandpa, just heard he was not in the church. Very soon, he got better! He was so grateful, he asked the local pastor for the keys to the local SDA Church which had been closed for some time. He vowed to fill it up again. I finally met him one year later in the parking lot of our church. He came over and introduced himself. He showed me a picture of himself a year ago when he was sick. He said, “this is the picture of a dead man – but, now I am alive, truly alive in Christ!” The man in the drivers’ license picture looked like his dad! But it was him, when he was sick a year ago! He looked younger, healthy and was very pleasant, kind and grateful. He was still working to build up the church in his area!
Scripture: “The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.” – Psalm 34:17,18. KJV
- I was raised in a Sunday-keeping church where my Dad was the pastor. Many times after he would preach he would call on me to sing an appeal song. This pianist would play for me. We never had a personal conversation, except just before she would play for me after Daddy’s sermons. This was a large church in Oakland, California.Well the scene changes. Down the street about 4-5 blocks was a large SDA church where Rick and I were asked to conduct a week of prayer in the early 70’s. Approximately 10 years later, they asked us to conduct another week of prayer! I remember some of the young adults coming to us saying they remembered our week of prayer when they were children and how they loved the Bible songs.
The second time, the same Bible Worker from 10 years ago comes to me at a Sabbath afternoon church event and says, I have a surprise for you. She said, “Close your eyes and I’ll take you to see the surprise!” Not knowing where I was going, but, because I trusted the faithful Bible Worker, I obeyed. Later, she said; “Stop—now open your eyes!“ I did. There was a lady sitting in front of me. Not recognizing the lady, I was puzzled and did not say anything. The Bible Worker said, “Do you know who this is?” I said “No, I am sorry, I do not.” She said, “This is the pianist from your Dad’s church and I studied with her and she was baptized.” She (the pianist) told me that she thought I was so beautiful a model…etc…and etc…Then, she saw a drastic change in my appearance and asked several members what happened to me. They told her I became a Seventh-day Adventist! She set out to find the nearest SDA church, was baptized, and yes I finally did recognize her—she was now a “plain Jane” too! We hugged and cried and praised the Lord!
Though I never said a word to her about my new found faith, it was a witness and testimony that God could use for His Glory — and we give Him all the Praise!
Scripture: “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13. KJV
And there are many, many more stories of God’s intervention in our lives and many unusual and timely answers to prayer. “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose the even the world itself could not contain the book that should be written. Amen” John 21:25. KJV May we encourage all who read to ask and believe these words; “Ask, and it shall be given to you: seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” Matthew 7:7-11. KJV
“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us. And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” I John 5:14-15. KJV
In Loving Memory
But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 KJV
Born May 1, 1934, the son of a layman who used to be a jazz guitarist, Rick Shorter came from a Christian background. By the time he was ten years old, he was singing professionally at gospel camps. He also had his own local radio show while still at junior high school. His cousin is jazz saxophonist, Wayne Shorter, founding member of the group Weather Report.
Rick Shorter was a song-writer, music producer, and author. During the 1960s when he was most active, he produced and arranged for a multitude of artists. They include Ciska Peters, Big Dee Irwin, and Galt MacDermot. His compositions have been covered by Ola & the Janglers, The Five Tornados, Johnny And The Hurricanes, The Liverbirds, The Esquires, Gene Pitney and Burl Ives. He also composed, arranged, and produced “If I Call You By Some Name” which was a hit for The Paupers.
By 1973, Shorter returned back to his childhood faith and left his career in popular music. Both he and his wife Gwen subsequently became very actively involved in evangelism, the health ministry, and publishing work until he suffered a Basilar Artery Stroke in August 2017, and passed away on September 1, 2017.
Sung by David and Marian Lewis
Video produced by David Lewis | Living Water Productions
David Lewis was the lead singer/guitarist for the 1980s, and 1990s R&B, POP supergroup Atlantic Starr. He left the band in 1994 to return to his Christian roots. Wikipedia
From: C B ROCK
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2017 18:26:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Condolence
Cc: Gwen Shorter
To Gwen Shorter, Children And The Extended Family of The Late Rick Shorter,
Please accept the sincere love and condolence of my wife and myself upon the loss of your loved one and our friend, Rick Shorter. Rick was different from the common herd: different in vision, in talent, in courage, in perseverance, and most of all different in his faith and dedication to the principles of God’s word. The church and society, itself, need more like him. He left us much too soon by our human calculations, for that we sorrow. However, his life was in God’s hands and in that we trust-He knows best.
But we do more than sorrow and trust, we rejoice-rejoice, that is, in the creative and fruitful life he lived and we also hope-hope fervently for the return of Christ and the day of glad reunion.
Thank you for the opportunity to express our sympathy but more importantly our assurance in God’s genuine love for you and our firm expectation of that soon-coming- “Better Day” You hang in there – Our God is able!
Very Sincerely,
Calvin and Clara Rock
From: Schubert Palmer
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:33:23 -0700
Subject: “100%” Tribute to our Dear Friend and Brother, Rick
To: Gwen Shorter
*Sep 10, 2017*
*”100%” *
*100 percent! When I think of Rick– a dictionary full of superlatives come to mind, but the one that sticks out in my mind is this: Rick was and Rick is… 100%- as in, 100% authentic, genuine, the real deal, he is the “real McCoy.” I first met Rick and Gwen many years ago through my wife, Yolanda, and what a friendship God has blessed us to have with them and their lovely family. Thanks, Gwen, for the privilege to pay a tribute to Rick.*
*I said that Rick IS–present tense, the real deal. That’s because, ever since I’ve known him, Rick had this timeless quality about him– maybe it was from Gwen’s cooking, but Rick just didn’t grow old like people are supposed to. An 83 y/o man in a 60 y/o body! We just knew he’d stick around till Jesus comes. We couldn’t imagine him falling “asleep.” Of course, we forget that many years ago, God preserved his life when Rick had a near death crisis needing major emergency heart surgery. He not only survived, but thrived, a walking miracle, thanks to God’s providence, the health laws which Rick practiced & preached–and Gwen’s cooking! But when I speak of Rick in the present tense, it is also because I’m quoting from Rick’s Lord and Savior. When it comes to God’s relationship to those who fall asleep in Christ, God never speaks of them in the past tense but always in the present– Even after their death, God said, I AM the God of Abraham, Lazarus IS asleep…Precious in the sight of the Lord IS the death of His saints.*
*Of Rick’s many accomplishments– publisher, producer, engineer, author, speaker, songwriter, sweet singer in Israel, entrepreneur, the list goes on and on–how could I forget “Sister Shorter’s vegan cookie” maker–of all his accolades, I will always remember this man of God, this humble giant, as Mr 100%. Before his conversion, he was 100% serving the devil, but when the Lord got a hold of him, Rick became a 100% Christian– 100% surrendered to Jesus Christ, 100% committed to obeying his Lord. The only thing he was not 100% on was when it came to following doctor’s orders and taking medicines, and I was afraid to ask Gwen, but I suspect that while she fared better than the doctors, it probably wasn’t 100%! For everything else, it was all or nothing with him. He never did anything halfway. You knew where he stood on issues. If he had run for public office, by today’s standards, he’d never make it as a politician because he’d never compromise on his core principles. That’s not to say that he never made a mistake or that his opinions/positions were always perfect– but he stood by his convictions, and practiced what he preached.*
*The Bible is filled with stories of heroes of faith who Rick endeavored to emulate. In my book, Rick is a modern hero of faith. But if I were to pick the story that in my mind best encapsulates Rick and Gwen (have to include both because, by God’s grace, for forty plus years they have been one incredible duo)– they remind me of the three Hebrews facing down mighty King Nebuchadnezzar and the fiery furnace. They knew when to kneel, and they knew when to stand! And like the three Hebrew Faithfuls, Rick and Gwen’s stand against “Creeping Compromise” in church standards and doctrines have come at a cost, but they have been as true to duty as the needle to the pole–100% steadfast, 100% committed.*
*Somehow in God’s master plan, God permitted Rick to suffer a sudden stroke– a random freak accident, the kind that was not related to any lifestyle issues. The stroke left him “locked in,” able to hear and understand, but not able to speak. No opportunity to share a final thought. No chance to say a parting word. Perhaps God saw that it would be too much for him–Rick didn’t like folk fussing over him, and besides, he was too busy living to stress out about dying. But Family, rest assured that he heard your words of love and affection, and prayers. They brought him comfort in his final hours. But if he could have one last word to share with you– Gwen, Crystal, Promise, Hope, Christian, CFC family, friends, acquaintances, what might he say? I know he’d tell you how much he loves you, how much each of you mean to him. And then I hear him saying, “Well, while I’ve been locked in, I’ve been working on a new song– let’s finish it together when I wake up! But you know there’s only one way I’ll get to see you again. And you know the Way!” Then, with his last breath, I can hear him pleading: “**Promise** me that you will drink with me from the river of life, clear as **Crystal**. Put your **Hope** in Jesus Christ. He will make you into **Sterling Silver** and gold. Decide today, not tomorrow, not next week, not next year, but today, that you will be a 100% **Christian**– yes, 100% on the Lord’s side, 100% surrendered to Jesus Christ, who is the only Way out. Let Him be your Lighthouse.”*
*Well, Brother Rick, Dad, Grandpa, we know we could never repay How you’ve blessed our lives always*
*So this we pledge: when the roll’s called up yonder– with our lives committed, surrendered, 100%– *
*When the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.
**Schubert & Yolanda*
Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of
our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Jude 21 KJV
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you
faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, Jude 24 KJV
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty,
dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Jude 25 KJV