Arthritis is the number one cause of pain in the United States. God’s Plan for Taking the ITIS Out of Arthritis will help you understand the nature of arthritis, its causes, and how the eight laws of health can be specifically applied for its relief. Follow the outlined 21-day program and discover how God’s Plan can work for you! A must if you or a friend suffers from arthritis.
- Simple language to help you understand arthritis.
- Simple language to help you understand what causes arthritis.
- God’s simple plan that can help you overcome arthritis.
- Detailed simple instructions to help you apply God’s plan to your life.
- A 21 day program which is helping millions to beat the odds.
- A daily schedule to keep you doing the right thing at the right time.
- God’s plan basic menu.
- The power to change your bad habits explained in a simple manner.
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