Homeward Publishing Ministries is pleased to present the content of this book, “Seventh-day Adventists Believe What?” – a compilation of the 1914 edition of Bible Readings for the Home Circle; with added emphasis on health and prophecy. It represents the answers to over 4,000 Biblical questions that any searcher of truth may have regarding the Bible and the beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists. Many of the doctrinal conclusions in this Bible-based book, have been reached by those other than Seventh-day Adventists. Throughout the ages prophets, kings, reformers and others of various beliefs, have given their lives in defense of many of the truths that you will discover in the pages of this book. The format of this edition presents 180 Bible topics from Genesis to Revelation, arranged in 18 significant segments, prepared with questions that are answered from the most popular book on the planet – The Bible.
For centuries the Bible was hidden from the everyday common people. When the Protestant Reformers released the Bible to the people, Satan saw to it that both the Reformers, as well as the Bibles, were put to the flames. Satan made war on the Bible by using the church – the very means God has depended on to preserve His Word! Through the years men added to and took away from God’s Word. (Rev. 22:19) However, through it all for thousands of years God’s original text preserved especially by the Waldenses for over a thousand years, has changed lives and renewed the hope of millions!
One changed life testified, “this book, more than any other, helped me to understand and study the Bible according to Isaiah 28:10. It has been an invaluable source in my study of God’s Word and my walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.”
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