Shorter’s Health Manual


Shorter’s Health Manual comes highly recommended by health professionals, highly recommended for cooking classes and recipes (see Recipes and Cooking Class Reviews) and for comprehensiveness in content on Health and the Medical Missionary Work! It is described as….
“Gripping,” “Outstanding,”  “Excellent,” “Powerful,” “Practical,” & ” Enlightening!”

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Shorter’s Health Manual comes highly recommended by health professionals, highly recommended for cooking classes and recipes (see Recipes and Cooking Class Reviews) and for comprehensiveness in content on Health and the Medical Missionary Work! It is described as….
“Gripping,” “Outstanding,”  “Excellent,” “Powerful,” “Practical,” & ” Enlightening!” See back page of the book.

From the foreword…

We started conducting vegetarian cooking and nutrition classes in New York City in the early 1970’s as a needful extension to our Vegetarian Restaurant, “The Beautiful Way,” then on 2nd Ave. In order to make permanent lifestyle changes it was necessary to demonstrate how to prepare foods healthfully and educate our curious and eager customers in healthy lifestyle concepts. This became one of our first loves! Seeing the response of these classes always encouraged us to do more, as much as time and energy would allow). We always met such wonderful people, made new friends and learned a great deal to encourage us in the health work.

However we always had one nagging regret. Two, three or even four classes just weren’t enough to share all we wanted to share, and the request was always for more classes, more information and more recipes. To satisfy their hunger and thirst came the idea for a “companion health manual and recipes” so that each person would have something to take home and study further.

Realizing the urgency of the requests and the shortness of time, we embraced the task, with a deadline date for completion. The Lord has led, guided and blessed in an amazing way. And we give Him all the glory, praise and honor.

This manual represents information gathered for the last forty years. We have made use of appropriate and pertinent articles and information by many writers. The use of their articles does not necessarily endorse everything each may espouse in health. However we do endorse and agree with the statements presented in this manual.

We have earnestly endeavored to make this manual a ONE-STOP, easy-to-read, simple, yet relatively comprehensive treatise on healthful living and eating.

The 4th Edition has many new recipes in the raw and cooked sections, representing healthy international cuisine around the world. These recipes and sections are designated as “NEW”.

You will also notice the gluten-free options for recipes. Some may ask why gluten-free? Simply because, it is a healthier choice. All evidence points to the fact that we are no longer eating our grandmother’s wheat but an aberrant modern version. As a result, many are forced to deal with serious health issues for a lifetime! We are asking you to initiate your own research and make your own conclusions. We would just like to reach as many people as possible with God’s message of health. See Shorter’s Health Commercial on YouTube:


From layman to layman we hope and pray you will be a better person for having invested your time and money in this manual. This health message is going to lighten the whole earth before Jesus comes.

We want to be a part of it, encourage others and help make it happen, by God’s grace.

Dear Reader, we will be praying for you, and we solicit your prayers also, as you continue on the road to better health. May God richly bless you to this end is our prayer.

Additional information

Weight 27.5 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 1 in



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