GREEN SMOOTHIE Page 253 (No fruit) Notice: this is a green smoothie with kale greens and no banana or fruit.
1 c. kale or collard greens, packed (fresh)
1/2 medium avocado
2 T. chia seeds
1/2 c. Trader Joe’s Lemon/Ginger/Echinacea Drink or SS Lemon Ginger Tea (recipe below).
3 Brazil nuts
2 T. maple syrup
1 T. fresh lemon juice
Ice to taste. Blend well. Serve.
WATERMELON COCKTAIL Page 253 (Don’t waste that watermelon. Drink it!)
4 c. chopped fresh watermelon
2 t. fresh lime juice
3 t. honey
Add some ice cubes and blend well.
Note: Notice no more agave! It is 55% corn syrup!!
SS LEMON/GINGER TEA – Page 253 (This recipe replaces Trader Joe’s Lemon/Ginger/Echinacea drink.)
Boiling simmer for 30 min: 8 c. purified water and 1 c. organic ginger pieces
Add: 1/2 – 3/4 c. lemon juice and 3/4 c. honey or to taste. Follow the recipe above.