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Sunlight (93 Million Miles Away)

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“In 1877, two researchers, Downes and Blunt, discovered that sunlight can destroy harmful bacteria. Today it is used to treat bacterial infections. Sunlight on the body dramatically lowers high blood pressure, decreases blood cholesterol, lowers excessively high blood sugars, and increases white blood cells!”1

“Most of the Media’s attention has been on sunlight as a cause of cancer, as well it is—in excess,… however, sunlight deprivation increases the risk of cancer of the breast, colon, and prostate, possibly due to less circulating Vitamin D-3 and it’s derivatives… there should be no broad condemnation of moderate sunlight exposure.”2

“Every room in your dwelling should be daily thrown open to the healthful rays of the sun, and the purifying air should be invited in. This will be a preventive of disease… If all would appreciate the sunshine, and expose every article of clothing to its drying, purifying rays, mildew and mold would be prevented. The confined air of unventilated rooms meets us with sickening odors of mildew and mold, and the impurities exhaled by its inmates… The emanations from damp, moldy rooms and clothing are poisonous to the system.”3

“Adequate sunlight on your body will lower your respiratory rate and will cause your breathing to be slower, deeper and easier. Your resting heart rate will decrease, and after exercise it will return to normal much more quickly. Sunlight increases the capacity of the blood to carry more oxygen and take it to your body tissues. Even a single exposure to ultraviolet light in sunlight will greatly increase the oxygen content of your blood.  And this effect will continue for several days.”4

“The sun is God’s doctor, which brings health and strength, purifying and giving color to the blood, and we must have it.”5

“If the sun were to turn off, within a week the Earth would be 0°F!”

“The sun puts out a huge amount of energy to heat the Solar System.”

“The sun is around 25,000 light years away from the center of the Milky Way galaxy.”

“100,000,000,000 tons of dynamite would have to be detonated every single second to match the energy that the sun produces.” (All time 10’s, YouTube)

Sunlight Benefits:

  • Encourages cheerfulness
  • Is purifying—Kills germs and bacteria
  • Helps one overcome the effects of jet lag
  • Builds Vitamin D in your skin (necessary for strong bones and teeth)
  • Builds your immune system (white blood cells)
  • Increases the activity of your liver
  • The sick greatly improve their health by exposure to sunlight

Too much sunlight is not good. The best time to get outside and enjoy the sun is between 10 am and 12 noon, before the sun gets too hot. Also when free fat or oils are included in the diet (to excess), one is more susceptible to skin cancer, especially if you have very light skin.”6


1. Natural Remedies Encyclopedia, 4th Edition, p 36 Vance Ferrell, Harvestime Books (1998), Altamont, TN. 37301
2. Proof Positive, Neil Nedley, MD, Quality Books, Inc. (1998) Ardmore, OK. 73401
3. Healthful Living, E.G. White, Medical Missionary Board, (1897) Battle Creek, MI
4. Natural Remedies Encyclopedia, 4th Edition, p 36 Vance Ferrell, Harvestime Books (1998), Altamont, TN. 37301
5. The Australian Years Vol. 40, 439, E.G. White
6. Shorter’s Health Manual, Gwen Shorter, Homeward Publishing Ministries, (2001)

One reply on “Sunlight (93 Million Miles Away)”

Beautiful thanks sis Shorter, I learned so much from you and look forward to learning more, and buying as much as I can afford to, to help me on my journey to helping others. I especially enjoy you and your late husbands music ministry, you both sing beautifully I was blessed by the soothing melody. God bless keep up the good work.

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