
Christian Modesty: The Public Undressing of America


The Baptist preacher and author, Jeff Pollard, in his book Christian Modesty: The Public Undressing of America states…

“As a new believer, I attended an annual youth conference at a beach in Florida. Several questions about the propriety of the states of dress and undress at the conference drove me to God’s Word and prayer, and these led me to conclude that I would no longer attend that meeting. I also had children who were asking me honest questions about these matters. My attempts to explain to the Founder of the Conference why I would no longer attend and to answer my children’s questions resulted in this study. (book)

…what troubled me, however, was this: the beach with its accompanying lascivious atmosphere coupled with the dress of the attendees did not seem in harmony with the preaching of God’s holiness. This produced a confusing message, a conflicting mixture of holiness and impurity. It reminded me of the smell of perfume mixed with cigarette smoke…” Christian Modesty: The Public Undressing of America pp. 4,5

“… the more than 100 beach movies produced during the decade (1960’s) played an important cultural role. Hollywood’s rocking beach reels helped establish the world of youth as a separate culture and enshrined the bikini as its official uniform… An important cultural role? Yes. These movies help ‘enshrine’ public nakedness in the hearts of a generation of preachers.

Hollywood has progressively seduced several generations into nakedness and lewdness. What American male or female reading this article (before referred to) doesn’t have a mind saturated with sensual images of bodies clad in exotic swimwear—images which are permanently seared into the memory by television commercials, magazine ads, billboards, and numerous other media? Tragically for many, these seductive images have further enticed their lustful hearts into the death grip of addiction to pornography. And many of our pulpits remain enshrouded by deathly silence. Or worse, some pulpits cheerily declare that Jesus poured out His life’s blood upon the cross to purchase us this ‘liberty’. These disciples of the media need to repent of being ‘conformed to this world’ and be transformed by the renewing of their minds.

I fear that only the Day of Judgment will fully reveal the extent of the damage wrought by the media upon and through the pulpits of today.” Christian Modesty: The Public Undressing of America pp. 34, 35

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Christian Modesty: The Public Undressing of America

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Every Christian family needs to read this book! It will open your eyes, as never before, to how far professed Christians have come from the ‘Bible Standard’ of modesty—And who cares these days? Only a few! You will understand how the swimwear purposefully for financial gain, came from the underwear industry—and we follow on blindly disregarding Biblical injunctions!

Table of Contents:

  1. Modesty and Controversy
  2. Defining Terms
  3. God, the Designer of Clothes
  4. Defining the Issue: Nakedness and Shame
  5. The Public Undressing of America
  6. The Theater of Carnality
  7. The Impact of the Media
  8. Candles among Gunpowder
  9. The Return to Christian Modesty

From Chapter 1 (ENGLISH):

Modesty is a controversial issue. No matter how the man of God approaches this subject, he will be judged a legalist or a libertarian by his audience. It is inescapable. Speaking against current fashion and popular trends is always difficult and costly for the man of God. Still, God has called him to a course that divinely steers him toward a head-on collision with the thinking and ways of the world. Vincent Alsop once said that a man must have “a very hardy spirit that shall dare to cross the stream or stem the current of a prevailing luxuriancy. So that, to have a finger in this ungrateful debate, must engage him in Ishmael’s fate to have every man’s hand lifted up against him; seeing it is unavoidable, that his hand must be set almost against every man.”1 This certainly applies to the thorny issue of modesty. No doubt when we reach the end of this article, I will appear a spineless liberal to some; and to others I will be just another wave of legalism slapping upon the shores of Christian liberty.

My objective, however, is not controversy. I desire only to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and to provoke His people to love and good works (Heb 10:24). Nevertheless, since controversy is inevitable in this matter, I will follow this guideline: “[Love] will lend us one safe rule—that we impose a severer law upon ourselves, and allow a larger indulgence to others. The rule of our own conversation should be with the strictest; but that by which we censure others, a little more with the largest.”2

1 Vincent Alsop, “The Sinfulness of Strange Apparel,” in Puritan Sermons 1659-1689 in Six Volumes, Vol. III (Wheaton, Illinois: Richard Owen Roberts, Publishers), 491.
2 Ibid.

From Chapter 1 (SPANISH):

LA modestia es un asunto controvertido. No importa en qué forma lo encare el siervo de Dios, los que lo escuchen lo juzgarán legalista o libertario. Es inevitable. Hablar contra la moda actual y las tendencias populares es siempre difícil y costoso para el siervo de Dios. Sin embargo, Dios lo ha llamado a seguir un rumbo que lo conduce por designio divino hacia una colisión frontal con el pensamiento y las costumbres del mundo. Vincent Alsop dijo cierta vez que el hombre debe tener “un espíritu muy fuerte para atreverse a cruzar el arroyo o a detener la corriente del lujo y la ostentación. De modo que, intervenir en este desagradecido debate, es incluirse en el destino de Ismael: que la mano de todos los hombres se levanten contra él; puesto que es inevitable que su mano se enfrente contra la mayoría (cf. Génesis 16:12]”1. Esto ciertamente tiene aplicación en el espinoso asunto de la modestia. Sin duda que cuando lleguemos al final de este estudio, algunos pensarán que soy un liberal sin carácter, y para otros seré tan solo otra ola de legalismo que azota las riberas de la libertad cristiana.

Mi objetivo, no obstante, no es la controversia. Mi deseo es únicamente glorificar al Señor Jesucristo y estimular a su pueblo al amor y a las buenas obras (cf. Hebreos 10:24). Sin embargo, puesto que la controversia es ineludible en esta materia, seguiré esta norma: “[El amor] nos brinda una regla segura: Seamos más estrictos con nosotros mismos y más tolerantes con los demás. La regla para nuestra propia conversación debe ser muy estricta, pero la que usamos para censurar a otros estará más bien entre las más indulgentes”2.

1 Alsop, Vincent: The Sinfulness of Strange Apparel (La pecaminosidad de la ropa extraña) en Puritan Sermons 1659-1689 in Six Volumes (Sermones puritanos 1659-1689 en seis tomos), Vol. III, p. 491. (Wheaton, Illinois: Richard Owen Roberts, Publishers).
2 Ibíd.

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